We're 10 days into "Veganuary" and I have some huge news to report! After 10 whole days of eating a (relatively) strictly vegan diet, DW AND I ARE STILL ALIVE! Shocking, I know. But, before we go into the pre-challenge prep and sexy-delicious food porn photos (mmmm, food porn), let me define "(relatively) strictly vegan diet." Here's the Merriam-Webster definition:
noun\ˈvē-gən also ˈvā- also ˈve-jən or -ˌjan\
: a person who does not eat any food that comes from animals and who often also does not use animal products (such as leather).
1.) First, we're not making any adjustments in terms of leather clothes. It's winter in Minnesota. I'm not not going to wear my only pair of winter boots because they have leather on them. That's f%#ing insane. I like my toes attached to my feet, thank you very much.
2.) Second, we're not being strict about third-tier animal-synthesized products. For example, for serious vegans, any cereal that is fortified with Vitamin D(3) is bad, while Vitamin D(2) is okay. (The latter is synthesized from a plant material, while the former is synthesized from a cholesterol product.) We, as not-so-serious vegans, are not being as strict with this.
3.) Third, we aren't checking the manufacturing origins of any of our pre-existing chemicals or toiletry products (i.e, animal testing). I'm certainly not saying that that kind of research isn't a valuable endeavor, if the vegan lifestyle is your thing; It's just that that particular facet of veganism is not why we are doing "Veganuary."
We, DW and I, are specifically doing this challenge to broaden our culinary horizons. Anyone who knows us knows that nary a meal goes by without a generous serving of meat (DW especially) and cheese (WR especially). So "Veganuary" is a way to push ourselves to try new things (new veggies, new beans, new grains, and whole new recipes), while still preserving that idiotic-challenge-atmosphere that makes us feel like f%#ing food champions.
So, mission and purpose clarified: Let's talk prep. Preparation is super important when tackling a difficult food challenge. The only food challenge that I ever failed (a no-dairy challenge), I failed because I did not prepare for the transition. This time, I was ready.
In December (a well-known, widely practiced challenge known as, "Survive the Holidays!"), I bookmarked 55 delicious-sounding vegan recipes. I researched popular vegan alternatives for non-vegans, like the best non-dairy creamers, the best fake cheese, the best brand of tofu, the best guacamole, etc. I made a "Veganuary Calendar" and a list of "Quick Meal & Snack Ideas" and put it on the fridge. As you can see in the picture above, our freezer is on full challenge mode.
We also prepared our first week's menu and went grocery shopping the day before "Veganuary" began. That gave us all the materials we needed to start first thing the next morning and not put ourselves in a position of being hungry right away with nothing to eat. Note: Shopping as a new-Vegan takes a LOT longer because you have to carefully examine the ingredients of every single thing you're going to buy. DW and I started this process early in December by checking the ingredients of everything we bought in advance (vegan or not). Then we kept a mental tally of things that were: A,) Hooray! ____ is A.O.K. for Veganuary! and, B.) Damn. We're sure gonna miss you, ____.
Lastly, we banished all non-vegan food and drink to the farthest, darkest corners of our pantry, fridge, and freezer. BEGONE, THOU DELICIOUS PESTS! COMETH NOT INTO MY SIGHT UNTIL NEXT FORTNIGHT!
Dramatic outbursts aside, we were ready. And it's really worked out too. The challenge hasn't been too difficult to maintain, so far, and the food we've made has been really tasty.
You wanna see it, don't you? Our tasty, tasty vegan food. Oh, I know you do, you bad boys and naughty girls, you. Well, I'm nothing if not accommodating. On to the food porn!
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Vegan Hoppin' John (a January 1st tradition!) with DW's made-from-scratch ciabatta. |
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Veggie & tofu don-buri with a spicy peanut sauce. (Those are store-bought vegan rolls and they were gross.) |
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Falafel sandwich with baby greens, hummus, and roasted onions & peppers. |
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Mushroom & veggie red sauce pasta, with DW-made garlic crustini. |
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Vegan masala burger with sauteed onions and french fries. |
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Baked potatoes with a spicy black bean chili and side salad. |
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DW-made wheat sourdough Pullman loaf, the source of many vegan toasts. |
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Vegan donuts from "Glamdoll Donuts" in Minneapolis! |
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Balsamic marinated mushroom and tofu kabobs, steamed green beans in an herb "butter," and black truffle tater tots. |
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And last, but not at all least, DW's veggie tikki masala curry: Potato, red lentil, peppers & onions in a "creamy," spicy tomato curry. |
Yeeeeeah. Oh, yeeeeeeeeeah. Just look at that sexy-deliciousness. It's not hard at ALL to be vegan when you've got a cook like DW around.
10 days in to "Veganuary"... and we're still food f%#ing champions.
That's it for this week! If you'd like any of the recipes from the pictures above, feel free to post that request in the comments below! We'll include them in future posts.
Thanks for reading, everyone! And don't forget to feed the fish!