4 = The number of blog entries posted on time. (In your FACE, Dan!)
3.5 = Average of pages written per day, by WR.
363 = Grams of sunflower seeds used in DW's baking.
??? = Grams of sunflowers seeds batted away by cats & subsequently lost in the many cavities of the apartment.
Welcome back, friends! The Compendium is in it's fourth week. My, how time flies! This week's post will cover a little of this and a little of that. (Much like our actual week.)
First, I'll talk about an event I'm participating in called "Script Frenzy." It's an annual activity sponsored by the lovely people at the Office of Letters and Light and it's a great way to get out that great American screenplay you've always had rattling in the back of your mind. Basically, it's a challenge to write 100 pages of scripted material in the 30 days of April. (If you've ever heard of NaNoWriMo ["National Novel Writing Month"], it's supported by the same organization.) It's free, it's fun, and it's a great way to kick your own would-be playwright / screenwriter butt.
This is what my April looks like. |
![]() |
Your ticket to creativity, folks. |
So, that's what I've been up to for the first ten days of April. I'm 35 pages into my new play, tentatively titled "One-Third." It's a full length drama, broken into three acts (or scenes... I haven't decided what I'd like to call them) with no intermission. The subject of the play isn't really... ummm... blog-appropriate... but I'd be happy to forward the script on to interested parties once it's in a complete and decent form.
What else have we been up to this week, you ask? Well... running, biking, swimming (see last week's post), reading, playing video games, and watching "Game of Thrones" and season two of "Downton Abbey." For me, there was... a lot of waiting and thinking. For Dan, there was also some fabulously tasty home-baking!
Dan & his Pullman pan, laden with bread. |
Sourdough Sunflower rolls, a la Dan! |
The loaf version, close up. TASTY. |
As always, thanks for reading!
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